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This BLOG is Closed.
Effective: December 9, 2010
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14 years ago
Wouldn't it be great for AMERICA to return to the days of old, with men like General George Patton, John Wayne, Will Rogers, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy, and President Teddy Roosevelt?
The United States of America, yes the good old USA, is in real trouble people!
If you din't vote, don't complain.
This BLOG is here as a reminder to us all.
The election is over, pictures and videos will concentrate on the newly elected President and America.
Something tells me it's going to stay there for a while.
General Paton was and still is my hero. I joined the Army in Aug. 1997, and serve in Germany and 2 tours in Vietnam as a helicopter gunner. I sure have my own opinions and have actually be CENSORED by Blogspot in my recent Blog posts!
People say to give Obama a "chance" but he has already done great damage to the USA, the economy and bailouts, entitlements to those who don't even pay taxes! And the Bible tells me that things will get MUCH worse.
I recommend storing up pasta, rice, beans, silver and gold, NOW.
I enjoy you blog.
Tom S
Blessings from The Messiah -
Obama praises peaceful Iraq polls
US President Barack Obama has congratulated Iraqis for holding a largely peaceful vote for provincial councils across the country.
He called the elections "an important step forward" for Iraqi self-determination. PM Nouri Maliki hailed them as "a victory for all the Iraqis".
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