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Effective: December 9, 2010
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14 years ago
Wouldn't it be great for AMERICA to return to the days of old, with men like General George Patton, John Wayne, Will Rogers, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy, and President Teddy Roosevelt?
The United States of America, yes the good old USA, is in real trouble people!
If you din't vote, don't complain.
This BLOG is here as a reminder to us all.
The election is over, pictures and videos will concentrate on the newly elected President and America.
Just looking at the national debt clock, that is damn scary!
Obama inauguration:
Just heard on Fox News Network: Obama inaugaration will cost total of $50 million, $10 million of that from TAXPAYERS.
This to put a man into an office he is not qualified to hold.
He wants a huge economic stimulus plan to help America. Take the $50 million and put it into the plan. Forego the media circus of an inauguration and have a simple swearing-in ceremony somewhere like the Rose Garden of the White House or even better, the crime-ridden streets of Illinois.
So much for an auspicious start in todays economy.
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