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Effective: December 9, 2010
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14 years ago
Wouldn't it be great for AMERICA to return to the days of old, with men like General George Patton, John Wayne, Will Rogers, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy, and President Teddy Roosevelt?
The United States of America, yes the good old USA, is in real trouble people!
If you din't vote, don't complain.
This BLOG is here as a reminder to us all.
The election is over, pictures and videos will concentrate on the newly elected President and America.
Even Nancy Pelosi's grand kid are going to hate her one day for what they have done to this country.
Dear Debbie, I think that the better solution is to commit suicide.
You re likely to grow in shit. Sorry, but the debt will grow with you.
Optimist Gonzodoctor.
Just wait until Obama opens the flood gates of immigration to the USA from all his Muslim and black friends in Africa and elsewhere.
Then you will not only have NO money you will truly be a 3rd world country as well.
Mr. Overpopulation -
Precisely why we need to get these 3rd world dregs to quit breeding!!! The uneducated, unskilled losers who sneak across our borders are usually the ones who spend all of their time popping out babies and then we, the taxpayers have to pay for them! It's bullshit!
1) AUSTRAILA'S immigration policy AND
2) CHINA'S population policy
The welfare system is already overwhelmed and the planet is already overpopulated !!! ENOUGH ALREADY !
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