Only a few more days of this babbling fool and I will rule the world!

Wouldn't it be great for AMERICA to return to the days of old, with men like General George Patton, John Wayne, Will Rogers, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy, and President Teddy Roosevelt?
The United States of America, yes the good old USA, is in real trouble people!
If you din't vote, don't complain.
This BLOG is here as a reminder to us all.
The election is over, pictures and videos will concentrate on the newly elected President and America.
His breasts even lactate hope.
"You can see what Obama is thinking....
Only a few more days of this babbling fool and I will rule the world!"
Oh Lord help us!
I found your blog by following another.
Please follow my new blog, I am all ready following yours. Thanks.
Sex Toy Types
That's funny.
I am gonna try and visit you daily.
It does appear you have some assemblance of an independent thought pattern.
I like the fact you use pictures versus the typical blogger who writes like he's an expert on everything political and it's always one sided.
p.s.- I am an Obama supporter. But you blog fascinates me.
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