This photo is of a registered Democrat Black Bear in Montana nicknamed 'Bearack Obama' - can you see any resemblance?

Wouldn't it be great for AMERICA to return to the days of old, with men like General George Patton, John Wayne, Will Rogers, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy, and President Teddy Roosevelt?
The United States of America, yes the good old USA, is in real trouble people!
If you din't vote, don't complain.
This BLOG is here as a reminder to us all.
The election is over, pictures and videos will concentrate on the newly elected President and America.
That is really funny.
I never thought of it that way, but if you think along the lines of the issue, it is true.
Now we even think animals in the wild need our care.
Remember man has only been on the planet for 40,000 years, animals have been around for millions. I wonder how they got along without us for all that time?
Nice Table!
Right on, Bro! But.. you still ain't seen nothin'
Tom S
That is so funny! And so accurate! What a perfect picture to depict the attitude many people in our country have today!
Thanks for sharing it!
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